Sunday, April 29, 2012

Little Bead Box

Last night I finished my blue and white bead box!
Forget that I made three of these for Christmas, it takes me almost five months to complete one for my own little collection. The pattern is from the book Little Bead Boxes by Julia Pretl, which I'm slowly working through. It doesn't help that she has more patterns for sale on her website too, so I could be doing these indefinitely.

I'm trying to wrap up projects in progress lately. I finally finished a quilt for one of the husband's cousins babies, finished my blue and white box, next I may tackle the Snap Happy project that needs re-finishing.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Needle Book for Mom

So I made a little needle book for my mom. Easter is her 50th birthday. I sewed the pages in upside- down, but I'm going to pretend it opens sideways. Hey, I'm not perfect!

I think it turned out okay. Not stellar by any means, but I'm going to go easy on myself... just this once. I used scraps of Good Fortune by Kate Spain. I'd won a bunch of scraps of Good Fortune, and two mini charm packs of Terrain from a give-away on her blog awhile back. Sometimes I'm a lucky girl!